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Image depicting Typhoon Rai hits Philippines as tens of thousands evacuate

Typhoon Rai hits the Philippines


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

Hey there, kiddo! Remember when we learned about Typhoon Goni that hit the Philippines last year? Well, hold onto your hats because there’s a new typhoon in town, and its name is Typhoon Rai!

Typhoon Rai: Devastation Strikes

  • This time, around 190,000 people had to leave their homes and go to safer places. Can you imagine how many people that is? That’s like a whole football stadium filled with evacuees! The cities, towns, and villages in the path of the typhoon experienced floods and landslides. It’s like nature’s water park and roller coaster all in one!
  • Since Typhoon Rai is causing so much damage and making it unsafe for people to travel, the authorities have banned sea and land travel. That means thousands of people are stuck at the ports, unable to go anywhere. It’s like a never-ending vacation that no one signed up for!
  • So, my friend, things are pretty topsy-turvy in the Philippines right now because of Typhoon Rai. The winds are blowing at an incredible speed of 155 kilometers per hour! That’s faster than a cheetah running! The airport is damaged, flights are canceled, and even schools and institutes are closed. It’s like a giant pause button has been pressed on the whole country!
  • But don’t worry, the people of the Philippines are strong and resilient. They’ve been through typhoons before and have always come out on the other side with smiles on their faces.
  • The important thing is that everyone stays safe and helps each other during this challenging time. And remember, even in the midst of tough situations, it’s okay to find a little humor to lighten the mood. So keep your spirits high, stay safe, and let’s hope that Typhoon Rai blows away soon like a mischievous balloon in the wind!

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