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Image depicting U.S.-China Tech Choices Change!

U.S.-China Tech Choices Change!


Recommended for Middle Grades

Hi, curious one! Let’s dive into this interesting story about some big countries and their tech toys!

So, there’s this guy named Biden who’s in charge of a big place called the United States. He’s like the leader of that country. And there’s another country far away called China, which is also really big. These two countries are like in a big game of who’s better, but they have different ways of doing things.

One day, Biden said, “Hey, let’s make a rule that says we can’t give our money to China for their cool tech stuff.” Tech stuff is like really fancy toys that grown-ups play with to do important things. Biden wanted to do this because he thought China might use those tech toys to make their army stronger. But he also wanted to keep trading with China so both countries could be happy.

Tiffs & Tech

  • Biden’s rule was all about stopping the United States from giving money to China’s tech companies. The tech toys he was worried about were things like super-smart computer chips, super-tiny electronics, magic quantum information, and even artificial intelligence. Those sound like superhero powers, right?
  • See, the United States and China are like two friends who sometimes fight over who gets to play with the best toys. Biden wanted to make sure China didn’t use these cool toys to become too strong and not play fair. But he also didn’t want to stop being friends with China completely. It’s like he was telling them, “I’m watching you, but we can still play nicely.”
  • Now, this is where it gets interesting! Some people liked Biden’s idea, and some wanted him to be even tougher with China. They said he should make even stricter rules, like not letting anyone from the United States give money to China’s tech and army stuff at all. But Biden said, “I’m being careful with China, but I’m not being too mean either.” He even called China’s leader a funny name – a “dictator”!
  • But you know, sometimes friends get upset at each other. China didn’t really like Biden’s rule. They said they were “gravely concerned,” which means they were kind of mad. They wanted the United States to play fair and not stop them from making money with their tech stuff.
  • China’s tech toys were so cool that lots of people wanted to give them money. But guess what? Sometimes, other countries would pretend to be China’s friends just to get special treats like tax breaks. It’s like if your friend gave you a toy just because they wanted a piece of your yummy candy.
  • So, there’s a big game going on between the United States and China. Biden’s rule about not giving too much money to China’s tech stuff is like a rule in a game. Some people think he should play harder, while others say he’s already doing a good job. But in the end, everyone is trying to be friends and not spoil the fun for both countries.
  • And that’s the end of our exciting story about big countries, tech toys, and being friends with some twists and turns! Remember, it’s important to play nicely, just like these countries are trying to do.

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