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Image depicting Ukrainian teen develops drone that can sniff out landmines!

Ukrainian teen develops drone that can sniff out landmines!


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

Once upon a time in Ukraine, there lived a remarkable teenager named Igor Klymenko. Igor had a special talent – he was really good at working with computers and making things.

One day, he had an incredible idea that would help many people and make the world a safer place.

Inspiring Teen Creates Lifesaving Drones

  • Igor was only 17 years old when he came up with this amazing idea. He wanted to create a special kind of drone that could find hidden land mines. Land mines are dangerous objects that are hidden under the ground and can hurt people. Igor thought that if he could make a drone to find these land mines, it would help keep people safe.
  • Igor was so excited about his idea that he decided to work on it all by himself. He locked himself in a basement, which is like a room underground, and started working on his invention. But there was something else happening at the same time – a big war. Russian troops had come into Ukraine, and there were loud noises of explosions and planes flying in the sky. It was a really scary time for Igor and his family.
  • Imagine being in a basement, trying to focus and create something amazing, while outside, there are explosions and rockets going off. It was really hard for Igor to concentrate, but he didn’t give up. He kept working on his invention because he knew how important it was.
  • Igor didn’t do all of this alone. He talked to many other smart people who knew about computers and machines. They all worked together to make the drone as good as it could be. It was like a team of superheroes coming together to save the day!
  • From all the loud noises and the stories Igor heard about the war, he knew that finding land mines was a big problem. He wanted to solve this problem and make sure that no one would get hurt by these hidden dangers. Igor used his brain, his skills, and the help of others to create something that could save lives.
  • Guess what? Igor’s hard work paid off! He made not just one, but two drones that could find land mines. And guess what else? The government of Ukraine was so impressed with Igor’s invention that they gave him special pieces of paper called patents. These patents said that Igor’s idea was really special and no one else could copy it without asking him first.
  • But wait, there’s more! Igor’s incredible invention caught the attention of people from all around the world. He even went to a big city called New York and got a special prize worth a lot of money – $100,000! This prize was called the Global Student Prize, and it was given to Igor because he did something really good for people, just like a superhero would.
  • Winning this prize made Igor really happy, not just because of the money, but because it gave him a chance to tell the world about the problem of land mines and how his invention could help. He wanted to find more people who cared about keeping others safe and who wanted to help him make his invention even better.
  • So, Igor’s story teaches us that even when things are really tough, like being in a scary war, there are always brave and creative people like Igor who want to make the world better. Igor’s drones are like little heroes flying around, searching for danger and protecting people. And because of Igor’s hard work and determination, more lives can be saved, and the world can become a safer and happier place for everyone.

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