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UN World Food Programme awarded Nobel Peace Prize 2020


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The 2020 Nobel Peace Prize has been awarded to the United Nations (UN) World Food Programme (WFP).

The organisation was given the prize for its efforts to fight world hunger and improve conditions for peace.

This year, the COVID-19 pandemic has made the work of the World Food Programme even more important. The Norwegian Nobel Committee said that with this year’s award, the committee wanted to “turn the eyes of the world to the millions of people who suffer from or face the threat of hunger”.

The WFP is the 101st winner of the Nobel Peace Prize. Around 107 organisations and 211 individuals were nominated for the award this year.

What does the World Food Programme do?

The WFP is an agency (organisation) under the United Nations, created in 1961. It provides food to victims of wars, natural disasters and more.

Last year, it provided food to over 100 million poor people a year in 88 countries. It works in warn-torn countries like Yemen, Afghanistan, South Sudan and more.

What do Nobel Prize winners receive?

Each Nobel Prize recipient receives three things. They are – a Nobel diploma (certificate) which are all unique works of art, a Nobel medal and a cash prize of 10 million Swedish krona (US$1.1 million).  The cash prize is divided between winners if there is more than one. They have to give a lecture to receive the money.

Earlier this week, the Nobel Prizes for Medicine, Physics, Chemistry and Literature were awarded. The Economics Nobel will be announced on Monday.

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