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Online happiness course


Recommended for Middle Grades

What is happiness to you? What if you could take a study course which can help you get “happiness”?

The University of Yale in the US  has a very popular “happiness” course. Now, you can also do the course online for free.

  • The course is called “The Science of Well-Being“. You can find it online at the website Coursera.
  • Anyone can do the course for free. Additionally, with a fee of US$49, you can also get a certificate of completion.

What are the details of this course?

  • Laurie Santos, a Yale psychology professor created this course.
  • She came up with the idea after she saw a high number of mental health issues among the students.
  • So, she created a course called “Psychology and the Good Life,”.
  • This course has two parts – What drives happiness and what behaviour change people can do to achieve happiness.
  • It soon became the most popular class in Yale’s history and now, you can join online too.

You may want to check out the course at this link: 

Happiness is more important than ever during these difficult times. We hope that everyone is working not only on their physical but also mental health.

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Do check out this inspiring Youtube video from United Nations on happiness.

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