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US creates the largest indoor vertical farming site!


Recommended for Middle Grades

Hello, curious wanderer! Are you ready to hear about something super cool and interesting? Well, hold on tight because we’re going to take you on a magical journey to the AeroFarms facility, the most gigantic indoor farm in the whole wide world!

Once upon a time, in the United States, there was a magical place called AeroFarms. It wasn’t your regular farm with tractors and cows. No way! It was a super high-tech farm where plants grew indoors and reached for the sky! The AeroFarms facility was so big, it covered an area as large as 14,000 big elephants put together!

Magical Greenery

  • Now, you might wonder, “How do they make plants grow inside without the sun and rain?” Well, here’s the trick! They use something called indoor vertical farming. It’s like a plant paradise inside a building!
  • Instead of sunlight, they have special LED lights that shine brightly on the plants, and instead of rain, they give the plants a nice, gentle mist of water to drink. The plants are so pampered; they even get fresh oxygen and yummy nutrients to grow big and strong!
  • Imagine you were a plant inside AeroFarms, you’d be like, “Wow, this place is amazing! I get the perfect amount of light, water, and food, just like a VIP!” These plants must be feeling like celebrities, right? This place is so cool that they don’t need those see-through greenhouses. They keep everything cozy and perfect without needing the sun’s help!
  • The AeroFarms wizards use something called aeroponic system. It’s like magic mist that tickles the roots of the plants with water, oxygen, and all the nutrients they need to be super healthy. You know how much water plants usually drink, right? Well, AeroFarms’ plants are superheroes! They only need 5% of the water that regular farms use. That’s like turning a big watermelon into a tiny little grape!
  • And guess what? These plants are so well behaved, they only need a tiny bit of fertilizer. It’s like they say, “Thanks for the yummy food, but just a little bit, please!” Here’s the best part: The party never stops at AeroFarms! They have a year-round growing season. So while other farms have a break in winter, AeroFarms’ plants are dancing and growing all the time!
  • They are super fast too! Harvest time comes quickly, and they can grow lots of crops even in smaller spaces. It’s like having a garden party every day!
  • So, my little buddy, that’s the incredible story of AeroFarms, where plants are pampered, and veggies are grown with lots of love and magic! They prove that farming can be super fun and eco-friendly too.

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