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US Government Regulates AI!


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Hey there! Did you hear about the US government cracking down on harmful AI products and businesses violating ethics to develop AI? It’s like they’re taking on the robots – but don’t worry, we won’t be living in the world of Terminator just yet!

So, what’s the deal with this crackdown? Well, the US Federal Trade Commission, or FTC for short, has warned companies developing AI to not use biases in their products that discriminate against people. And guess what? They even called out OpenAI, the makers of ChatGPT, for their unethical behavior. Talk about some drama in the tech world!

Important Details

  • If any of you need a quick reminder of what the FTC is and what it does, here’s a brief recap. The US Federal Trade Commission (FTC) is a government agency that helps to protect consumers and promote competition in the marketplace. It investigates and takes action against companies that engage in unfair or deceptive business practices.
  • The FTC also provides information and resources to help consumers make informed choices when they shop or use products and services. Overall, the FTC is working to ensure that the marketplace is fair, competitive, and beneficial to consumers.
  • But why is the government getting involved in the first place? It’s because AI is becoming more and more prevalent in our lives, from virtual assistants like Siri to self-driving cars. And if these AI systems are not developed ethically, they could harm us in ways we never imagined. That’s why the government is taking steps to ensure that these products are safe for us to use.
  • And this is just the beginning! The government is going to actively pursue bad actors and AI developers who use AI’s biases to mislead people or discriminate against them. They want to crack down on harmful AI products and businesses violating ethics to develop AI. So, who knows what will happen next? Maybe the robots will have to play by our rules after all!

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