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US President Biden invites countries to democracy summit


Recommended for Secondary Grades

US President Joe Biden has announced that the US will be organising a virtual (online) democracy summit in December 2021.

Called the Summit for Democracy, it will happen from 9 to 10 December. The US has invited around 110 countries, including India to join the summit.

The US said that the meeting aims to discuss three main themes – defending against authoritarianism, fighting corruption, and promoting respect for human rights.

Invitees to the democracy summit

Invitees include countries from Europe such as the UK and Germany. Among the countries of the Middle East, the US has invited Israel and Iraq. Moreover, African countries such as the Democratic Republic of Congo, South Africa, Nigeria and Niger are among the countries on the list.

Some notable countries missing from the list of invitees include Hungary, Russia, Turkey and China (People’s Republic of China). The US has also not invited Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates.

However, Biden has invited Taiwan to the summit and China has criticised this move. This is because while Taiwan considers itself to be a different country, China considers Taiwan as a part of its own territory.

What is authoritarianism?

In government, authoritarianism means any political system that concentrates power in the hands of a leader or a small group of people and the general public have little or no freedom.


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