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image depicting Viral video: It's green, not maroon! No, it’s rust, not green!

Viral video: It’s green, not maroon! No, it’s rust, not green!


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

Hey there! Have you ever seen something really interesting on the internet that made you go, “Wow, how did that happen?” Well, let us tell you about a viral video that has puzzled a lot of people online, including us!

So, there’s this video on a popular app called TikTok. It was posted by a person named Otelia Carmen, and it shows something really cool. Otelia was wearing a special kind of hat called a woollen hat or a “rib beanie.” This hat is known for its softness and warmth. But what’s amazing is that this hat can change colors in an instant!

Can you believe it? The video has been watched by almost 4 million people! That’s a lot of views! But do you know why it’s so puzzling? Well, TikTok is banned in some countries, like India, so Otelia reposted the video on her Instagram account for everyone to see.

Important Details

  • Otelia explains that she bought a hat in a beautiful maroon color. But guess what? Later on, she noticed that the hat changed its color to brown or rust. How strange is that? She thinks it’s because of something called “Metamerism.” Metamerism is when two colors can look the same under one light but different under another light. Isn’t that interesting?
  • This kind of color confusion has happened before too! Do you remember a famous picture called “The Dress” from 2015? It made people all over the world wonder if the dress was blue and black or white and gold. It was a big mystery, just like Otelia’s rib beanie!
  • Now, when Otelia showed the hat in different places, it looked different each time. In the shop, it appeared green, at her home, it looked brown, and even in her bedroom, it changed from maroon to green. It’s like the hat has a mind of its own!
  • Some people in the comments of the video thought it might be fake or edited. But guess what? Otelia posted more videos afterwards, and they clearly showed the hat changing color in real-time. It’s pretty amazing!
  • As we say, “Seeing is believing,” and this video proves it! So, my friend, the internet is full of fascinating things that can make us wonder and learn. It’s always good to keep an open mind and explore new and exciting things together. Remember, “Two heads are better than one,” and “Friends make everything more fun!” So let’s keep discovering and sharing cool stuff with each other!
  • We hope you enjoyed learning about this puzzling hat and the wonders of colors. If you have any more questions or want to explore more topics, feel free to ask. Keep being curious and have a fantastic day!

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