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Watch a video: A dog saves the drowning cat


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Watch a video: A dog saves the drowning cat.

We all know dogs and cats are enemies. They can’t stay together. Cats always run away from the dogs.

But, the good news here is, that a dog saves a cat from drowning in the water. Doesn’t it sound weird? Let’s find out how the dog saves the cat.

Recently, a cute video has gone viral over the internet. The video showcases the friendship between a cat and a dog.

In this cute video, you will see that a cat falls in the water while playing. A dog standing nearby tries to save the cat but doesn’t succeed. At last, the dog jumps into the water and brings the cat out of the water.

This video shows that everyone, including animals, birds and humans can help each other. Saving someone is a big deal, and this dog has done the same and has instilled an example.

You can watch this adorable video below:

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There are many interesting and enjoyable videos of animals. In these videos, you see them doing different things. Sometimes they are playing and being mischievous, whereas sometimes they are just cute and lovable. In some, of course, they are scary but mostly, it is a lot of fun to watch animal videos. Watch many amazing videos in our animal news for kids. To keep yourself updated do not miss out on reading Curious Times – a news website for children.  

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