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Lovable animal videos: Cute baby elephant loves playing around


Recommended for Foundational Grades

Animals can be really cute! Yesterday, Indian politician and retired police officer Kiran Bedi shared a cute video on Twitter.

The video shows a baby elephant enjoying itself playing around with a man. In the video, you can see them both rolling around on the floor while an adult elephant watches. Many people liked the video, saying the baby elephant is so cute.

A baby elephant is called a calf. It weighs about 91 kg when it is born. Baby elephants are very intelligent and very attached to their mothers.

Kiran Bedi is the first Indian woman to become an officer in the Indian Police Service. She is also known for her social activism.

Watch the video below:


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There are many interesting and enjoyable videos of animals. In these videos, you see them doing different things. Sometimes they are playing and being mischievous, whereas sometimes they are just cute and lovable. In some, of course, they are scary but mostly, it is a lot of fun to watch animal videos. Watch many amazing videos in our animal news for kids.

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