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Watch a video: Giant lizard visits supermarket, scares everyone


Recommended for Foundational Grades

Just imagine – one day you are buying sweets at your nearby store when suddenly, a giant lizard pops out! You would be shocked, right? We would all be.

Something like that actually happened recently in Thailand. A video camera caught a giant monitor lizard knocking down things and scaring people at a supermarket.

In the amazing video, you can see the huge lizard climbing up shelves. You can also hear scared customers screaming and laughing in the back.

This video has gone viral on Twitter, with people calling it “Godzilla”. Some people also found it funny saying that the lizard just wanted to eat snacks.

The lizard was found to be an Asian water monitor. They are commonly found in Thailand and other nearby countries.

Monitor lizards belong to the lizard family. But unlike their tiny relatives, they are quite big. The biggest is the Komodo dragon which can grow up to 3 metres long!

Watch the video of this funny incident below:


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There are many interesting and enjoyable videos of animals. In these videos, you see them doing different things. Sometimes they are playing and being mischievous, whereas sometimes they are just cute and lovable. In some, of course, they are scary but mostly, it is a lot of fun to watch animal videos. Watch many amazing videos in our animal news for kids.

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