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Image depicting Saturn's rings

Saturn’s rings act like a “mini solar system” – Watch a video


Recommended for Exploration

We have read about Saturn’s rings earlier.

Saturn is the second-largest planet in our solar system and has seven giant rings circling its equator. They are made up of ice and rock chunks. Each ring also moves at its own speed.

Recently, an astronomer named James O’Donoghue made an animated video of Saturn. It shows how Saturn’s ring system behaves like it’s a “mini solar system” – as if Saturn is like the Sun at the centre and the rings are circling it.

The video shows how each ring moves at its own speed in a beautiful, circular dance. The outermost rings move the slowest while the inner ones move the fastest.

The rings are also very long and thin. In fact, they are so thin and fragile that our Moon could be used to make 5,000 Saturn ring systems.

O’Donoghue has made other animations about physics and the solar system as well. They include one that shows there’s no “dark side” of the Moon.

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Watch a video

Watch the video of Saturn below:

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