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Watch a video: Sudha Murthy celebrates her pet dog’s birthday


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Watch a video: Sudha Murthy celebrates her pet dog’s birthday

We all love pets, Don’t we? Which animal would you like to have as a pet?

Pets are adorable. And they need good care as well.

Recently, a video has gone viral where Sudha Murthy is seen conducting a puja for her pet dog. The dog’s name is Gopi.

Who is Sudha Murthy?

Sudha Murthy is the chairperson of Infosys foundation. She is an engineering teacher and a social worker. She is an eminent author of children’s books.

In the video, Sudha Murthy is singing the aarti while petting and blessing the dog. The puja was held on the occasion of her pet dog’s birthday.  She is also seen singing a birthday song for the dog and feeding it.

That’s a sweet gesture, isn’t it?

Watch this adorable video here:


Write to us if you also celebrate your pet’s birthday, of you did something special for them. Share your adorable pet videos with us on Curious Times.

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Can animals behave like humans at times? In fact, some of them too! They look after their babies like us, adopt other animals, laugh like us and some are almost as intelligent as humans. We are sure you are curious to know many more qualities and characteristics that animals and humans share. Enjoy our animal news for children for more interesting reads.

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