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Watch a video: Woman is holding lioness in arms


Recommended for Foundational Grades

A woman is holding a lioness in her arms: Watch a video.

It sounds scary? Well, have you ever touched any wild animal? No!

A young woman is holding a lioness, which is her pet, is seen in a viral video.

You must be wondering if a dog or a cat could be a pet, but the new video, that has gone viral on the internet shows a young girl holding the lioness.

The video of the lioness and its owner has gone viral on Twitter through the handle of Arlong. And the video is of a Kuwaiti citizen.

According to the Kuwaiti newspaper, the lioness was a pet to a father and daughter, Upon being given a chance, it escaped from the house and started wandering on the streets and scared the people as well.

You can watch the video below where the girl tries to calm the lioness:

Would you like to keep a lioness as a pet? Or do you have any other animal or bird as a pet? Let us know about your pets.

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