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Watch video: Adorable video of monkey and goat goes viral


Recommended for Foundational Grades

Monkey and goat Animals often do many cute and funny things and this latest video is no exception. A video of a monkey riding on the back of a goat has recently gone viral.

Important Details

  • In the video of the monkey and goat, you can hear eating a person calling out in the woods. Hearing the man’s call, a goat emerges from the woods and runs towards him.
  • Surprisingly, a baby monkey is also hanging on to its neck.
  • As they come closer to the man, he gives them berries.
  • The goat starts eating but the monkey seems confused. But later the monkey joins in too.
  • Then, the monkey climbs on the goat’s back to being more comfortable and enjoys the berries.
  • Now, it has gone viral on Twitter and has gotten more than 12 million views and 534,000 likes on it.
  • It has been retweeted (shared) more than 105,000 times.

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Watch the video below of the monkey and goat. Video credit: Animals Home/Youtube

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