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Watch video: Duck with red shoes runs New York City Marathon


Recommended for Foundational Grades

The New York City Marathon (or TCS New York City Marathon) is an annual marathon race that happens in New York City, US. It is the largest marathon in the world, with over 50,000 people participating every year. It is also one of the most important marathons in the world.

What is a marathon?

A marathon is a long-distance running race where runners run 42.195 km or 26.219 miles.

This year, the New York City Marathon had a very special participant – a duck called Wrinkle! In a video of the duck, originally posted to Instagram, we see Wrinkle the duck running and quacking its way through the streets of New York. Moreover, Wrinkle is wearing red shoes!

The post on Instagram featuring Wrinkle says, “I ran the NY marathon! I’ll get even better next year! Thanks to all the humans that were cheering for me!”

The post has won over 62,000 ‘likes’ and has been viewed over 1.8 million times since being shared two days ago.

Would you also like to run a race alongside Wrinkle and his red shoes? 


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