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Watch video: Over 350 baby turtles released into the sea


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The forest department of Andhra Pradesh recently released over 350 baby turtles into the sea. These Olive Ridley turtles were hatched from eggs collected by officials.

What is the olive ridley sea turtle?

The olive ridley sea turtle or the Pacific ridley sea turtle is the second-smallest and most abundant of all sea turtles found in the world. It is found in warm and tropical waters.

Sea turtles live most of their lives in water. But they come to beaches to lay eggs and leave them there. After some time, the baby turtles hatch from their eggs and go into the sea.

But sadly, many times, these eggs get stolen and are sold as food. They also get eaten by wild animals. This is why sea turtles are endangered (less in number) today.

So, officials collect the eggs, keep them safe till they hatch. Then, they release the baby turtles.

The turtles

These turtles come to the shore during December and January to lay eggs. They are also known to lay eggs in parts of Tamil Nadu and Odisha.

See the cute baby turtles enter the sea below. Video credit: NDTV/Youtube


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There are so many animals in the world. Some live on land, some on trees, some in water and some fly up in the sky. Some are fun and playful and some quite dangerous too. Sometimes they work in teams but some prefer to be alone. But if we look carefully there is so much we can learn from them too! Can you think of some of the qualities that you love about animals? Read our animal news for kids for more interesting animal stories.

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