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Weather Gone Wild: Big Numbers, Big Problems!


Recommended for Secondary Grades

Hey there, young explorers! Get ready to embark on a fascinating journey through the world of extreme weather. Today, we’ll delve into an important report released by the World Meteorological Organisation (WMO).

They have uncovered some shocking facts about extreme weather events that have affected our planet in the past fifty years. Let’s discover the crucial details and find out why it’s essential to improve our alert systems. Ready? Let’s go!

Important Details

  • The WMO, which is a group that studies weather, told us some very sad news. In the last 50 years, more than 2 million people have passed away because of extreme weather like floods, hurricanes, cyclones, and droughts. Can you imagine how many lives that is? It’s a really big number! And not only that, but these events also caused a tremendous amount of damage, costing $4.3 trillion! That’s an enormous amount of money!
  • The WMO thinks that extreme weather is happening more often and getting stronger because people are changing the climate. When the Earth gets hotter, the chance of severe weather goes up. But don’t worry, we can use early warnings and good plans to help save lives during these big disasters.
  • The WMO Secretary-General, Petteri Taalas, talked about a cyclonic storm called Mocha that affected Myanmar and Bangladesh. He said that the communities who are most at risk suffer the most during extreme weather. But because of early warnings and plans to handle disasters, fewer people have lost their lives in these countries. This proves that early warnings really help save lives.
  • Extreme temperatures have caused many deaths, and floods have led to a lot of money lost. Each part of the world has faced its own problems. In Africa, there were lots of disasters, with a big storm called Tropical Cyclone Idai being the most expensive. Other places like the southwest Pacific, Asia, South America, North America, Central America, the Caribbean, and Europe also had many deaths and a lot of money lost because of extreme weather.
  • The WMO’s report tells us that extreme weather can be very dangerous all around the world. We need to be ready for it, improve our warning systems, and do something about climate change. The WMO also said that the Earth could get much hotter in the future, and that’s not good.
  • We learned a lot about the damage from extreme weather and how important it is to be prepared. We can all help take care of our planet and make it safer. Let’s keep learning and working together to make our world better!

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