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West Africa on alert after as Ebola cases confirmed in Guinea


Recommended for Secondary Grades

Guinea, a country in West Africa, declared an Ebola outbreak in one of its regions on Sunday. An outbreak means the sudden start of or sudden increase of something bad (especially a disease or violence).

The country confirmed at least seven cases of the disease, including three deaths.

The World Health Organization (WHO) has pledged support for Guinea. The WHO will help it get the Ebola vaccine. The vaccine has been very important in helping control recent outbreaks in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC).

WHO teams are there to help stop the spread of the disease. They are also working to stop the disease from spreading to neighbouring countries.

The world’s largest Ebola outbreak till now started in 2014 in Guinea and continued to 2016. It also spread to neighbouring countries Liberia and Sierra Leone. More than 28,000 people were infected and many people died.

Countries in West Africa are on high alert. One of them is Nigeria, which has the highest population in Africa. Recently, new Ebola cases were also reported in the DRC.

What is Ebola?

Ebola virus disease is a severe disease that first spread from wild animals to humans (called a zoonotic disease). Infection can spread through bodily fluids like blood.

Watch a video about the Ebola virus. Video credit: National Geographic/Youtube


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