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Image depicting a dying star's final moments

What does a dying star’s final moments look like?


Recommended for Middle Grades

Our nearest star, the Sun, is about 4.6 billion years old. It is expected to reach the end of its life in about another 10 billion years (after it finishes all its nuclear fuel).

So, what will happen during the final moments of a dying star?

The death of a star happens over many millions of years. When a star (like our Sun) starts to die, it first expands to become a red giant.

After a while, only its hot core will be left (called a white dwarf). Over billions of years, the white dwarf cools and becomes invisible.

However, if the star is heavier than eight times the mass of the Sun, then it dies much quicker. When it runs out of fuel, it will become a much bigger, a red supergiant.

What happens next?

But within a few million years, it will explode (go supernova). For a week or so, the supernova will be brighter than all the stars in its galaxy. But the brightness will quickly fade, leaving behind a neutron star or a black hole.

Watch an animated video of the Crab Supernova explosion that was reported in 1054 and what remained after it.


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