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image depicting WhatsApp users won't be able to use messaging services if they don't accept updated terms, What you should know about WhatsApp’s new privacy policy

What to know about WhatsApp’s new privacy policy


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WhatsApp’s new privacy policy

With over 2 billion users, WhatsApp is one of the most widely-used messaging apps across the world. It is owned by Facebook.

Recently, WhatsApp updated its terms of service and privacy policy for users globally including India. Users have to accept the updated privacy policy latest by 8 February 2021 or they will lose access to their WhatsApp accounts.

So, what are the main points of WhatsApp’s new privacy policy?

It tells us that WhatsApp collects a lot of data from users and stores in its database. This includes account information, messages (including undelivered messages, media forwarding), status information, payments data, and more.

It clearly states that your phone number, IP address, mobile device information will be shared with Facebook.

WhatsApp also collects information from devices such as “battery level, signal strength, app version, and browser information.

WhatsApp’s new privacy policy

For India, WhatsApp’s Payments users will need to provide additional information including payment account and transaction information.

If you want to delete your data from WhatsApp, just deleting your account is not enough. There are additional steps to take.

All the above indicates that WhatsApp is not at all independent from Facebook. So, for users who may not want to share their information, the app may not be suitable for them.


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