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WhatsApp now has “Message Yourself!”


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

Hey there, young WhatsApp enthusiasts! Guess what? There’s a hilarious new feature coming your way, and it’s called “Message Yourself.” Get ready to talk to yourself in the most epic way possible!

Important Details

  • Okay, here’s the deal. Imagine having a chat room where you can have conversations with none other than yourself. Yes, you heard that right! It’s like having a secret place where only you can see what you write. Pretty cool, huh?

  • Now, pay attention to these key facts because they are super important. First off, this “Message Yourself” function is for all you iOS and Android WhatsApp users out there. It means you can use it on your fancy iPhones or super cool Android devices. Woohoo!

  • Why would you want to chat with yourself, you ask? Well, think about this: You can keep all your important stuff in one place. It’s like having a special folder just for your own messages. No more searching high and low to find that one important note or link you saved. It’s all right there with the rest of your chats.

  • Here’s the best part. You can send yourself reminders, notes, and even shopping lists! Say goodbye to forgetting what you need at the grocery store. Just send yourself a message, and bam, you’re all set.

  • Oh, and let me tell you a secret trick. When you start a new conversation on WhatsApp, your own contact will be right at the top of the list. Just tap on it, and you’ll be whisked away to the magical land of self-chat. It’s like a secret doorway that only you know about.

  • If you don’t want your self-chat messages to get lost in the crowd, don’t worry! You can “pin” them to the top of your conversations list. That way, they stay put and won’t go wandering off when you’re trying to find them. So handy!

  • But wait, there’s one more thing you need to know. When you want to use this feature, look for something called “Note to Self” in your contacts. That’s where the magic happens. Find it, tap it, and let the self-conversations begin!

  • So, my little WhatsApp wizards, get ready to have the funniest chats with yourself ever. Say hello to reminders, notes, and shopping lists all in one place. Enjoy the wacky world of “Message Yourself” and keep your important stuff right where you need it. Happy self-chatting!

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Learn the secret of messaging yourself on WhatsApp from YouTube guru, Satyendra Pandey!

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