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Why do birds sing?


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

Hey there, sleepyhead! Have you ever woken up in the morning and heard birds singing outside your window? It’s like having a natural alarm clock that chirps!

Let’s find out why those feathered friends sing their hearts out!

Melodic Messengers: The Secret Language of Birds

  • Birds have a special time in their lives when they are really good at learning new songs. It’s like when you’re a little kid and you soak up everything you hear. For birds, this happens between 15 and 50 days after they hatch from their eggs. It’s their peak learning period! Just like you learn to talk by listening to your family, birds learn to sing by listening to other birds. They have their own language, and they copy the sounds they hear. It’s like they’re taking singing lessons from their bird buddies!
  • Birds sing for different reasons. One of the reasons is to communicate with other birds. They want to send messages and share important information. Sometimes, they sing to warn other birds to stay away from their territory. Imagine a robin saying, “Hey, this is my home, and I want to keep it all to myself!” Singing is also a way for birds to find a partner. Just like when you want to make friends, birds want to impress each other. Male birds usually sing the most to show off their skills and attract female birds. It’s like a musical love letter!
  • Believe it or not, female birds sing too! They joined the singing party a long time ago in Australia. It’s not just a guy thing, girls can rock the mic too! Birds don’t just sing and forget about it. They actually listen to themselves singing! Just like when you practice a song and make changes to make it sound better, birds do the same. They want their songs to be just right, so they tweak them until they’re happy.
  • So, when you hear birds singing in the morning, it’s not just because they’re happy (although they might be). They sing to communicate, warn others, find a partner, and even improve their own singing skills. It’s like they have a secret bird language that they use to talk to each other! Next time you wake up to the sound of birds singing outside your window, remember that they’re not just making random noises. They have a lot to say, and they’re using their beautiful songs to do it. So, enjoy the morning concert and maybe try singing along with them. Who knows, maybe they’ll be impressed by your sweet tunes too!

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