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Image depicting Our planet: Why is the sky blue?

Our planet: Why is the sky blue?


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

Hi there, eager beaver! Today, we’re going to explore some amazing things about our planet, Earth! Let’s start with a funny question: Why is the sky mostly blue?

Sky Tales

  • Well, imagine our Earth is wearing some special glasses made of air, and when sunlight comes to say hello, it gets all jumpy and scattered! Sunlight might look plain white, but it’s actually a colorful bunch of friends. It has all the colors of the rainbow packed inside!
  • Now, here comes the fun part! The sunlight starts playing around in the air, bouncing off all the gases and particles in the atmosphere. Among all these colors, the cheeky blue light loves to run and scatter the most! It’s like a speedy little wave that travels quickly and makes the sky look blue. So that’s why, most of the time, our sky wears its favorite blue dress!
  • But wait, there’s more to this sky story! When the Sun decides to take a nap and goes down the horizon, the sky starts changing its colors. It’s like a big, colorful painting show!
  • As the Sun sets, its light has to travel through a lot more of the atmosphere to reach us. And guess what? During this journey, even the blue light gets a bit shy and scatters away, making space for other colors to show up. So we get to see the beautiful red and yellow colors taking over the sky. It’s like a warm and cozy blanket of colors saying goodbye to the Sun! Isn’t that awesome? Our sky has its own little party of colors going on all day long!
  • So, my little friends, always remember to look up and appreciate our fantastic blue sky during the day and the magical red and yellow skies at sunset. Our planet is full of surprises and wonders, just waiting for us to discover them! And guess what? You can even draw your own colorful skies with your crayons and imagination. Let’s all be happy and kind to our planet, taking care of it like a big, green, and blue treasure!
  • Now, go out there and explore, learn, and spread laughter just like our funny and sensitive Earth! Have fun on your big adventures!

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Watch a video

Discover the hilarious Peekaboo Kidz clip unraveling the mystery behind the blue sky!

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