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Image depicting Wing Commander Anjali Singh becomes India's first woman military diplomat

Wing Commander Anjali Singh becomes India’s first woman military diplomat


Recommended for Middle Grades

Greetings, inquisitive mind! Let us tell you a super cool and exciting story about a brave and awesome lady named Wing Commander Anjali Singh!

Once upon a time, in a faraway land called India, there was an amazing woman named Wing Commander Anjali Singh. She was really brave and strong, just like a superhero! Last week, she went on a super special mission to Moscow, Russia, to work in the Indian Embassy there. How cool is that?

Fearless Trailblazer

  • Wg Cdr Singh started her new job on a special day, which was the 10th of September. That’s when she put on her magical wings and flew all the way to Russia. And guess what? She made history! She became the very first woman officer to be sent as a military diplomat to an Indian mission abroad. Can you believe it? She’s like a trailblazer, showing everyone that girls can do anything boys can do!
  • Oh, and Wg Cdr Singh is not just a regular officer; she’s an AE(L)* officer, which means she’s super skilled and smart. With her 17 years of service in the Indian Air Force, she’s a true expert! She even knows how to fly the powerful MiG-29 aircraft.  That’s like being able to fly in the sky with the birds!
  • Before Wg Cdr Singh, only boys were chosen to be military attachés in other countries. But now, things are changing for the better! Girls like her are showing the world that they can be strong, brave, and amazing leaders too. It doesn’t matter if you’re a boy or a girl; everyone can do incredible things if they believe in themselves!
  • So, my little friend, the world is becoming a better and more exciting place because of inspiring people like Wing Commander Anjali Singh. She’s proving that girls can achieve great things in any field they choose, even in the sky with the planes! Let’s cheer for her and all the other awesome women officers in the Indian Air Force who are breaking barriers and making history.
  • Always remember, no dream is too big, and no goal is too far away. Believe in yourself, and you can fly high just like Wg Cdr Singh!

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