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Image depicting World Athletics Day, 7 May!

World Athletics Day!


Recommended for Foundational Grades

Guess what? It’s time to put on your running shoes and get ready for the most epic event of the year—World Athletics Day! Get ready to jump, run, and have a blast with athletes from all around the world.

It’s like a giant playground, but for super-speedy superheroes!

World Athletics Extravaganza

  • Now, let us spill some beans on this exciting day. Picture this: Imagine a massive stadium filled with cheering fans, colorful flags waving in the air, and athletes showing off their jaw-dropping skills. It’s a party for your legs, arms, and all the muscles in between!
  • Here’s the scoop, little friend. World Athletics Day is a special celebration where people from different countries compete in all kinds of amazing sports. We’re talking about running races that’ll make your hair stand on end, jumping competitions that’ll make you leap like a kangaroo, and even throwing events where you can chuck a ball super far!
  • But wait, it gets even cooler! The athletes you’ll see are like superheroes. They can sprint faster than a cheetah chasing its dinner, jump higher than a kangaroo hopping on a trampoline, and throw things farther than your dad trying to hit the trash can with a crumpled-up piece of paper (sorry, Dad!).
  • You’ll see athletes running like the wind in the 100-meter dash, jumping over hurdles like graceful gazelles, and flying through the air in long jump events. It’s like watching real-life superheroes in action!
  • On World Athletics Day, they have special events just for kids like you. You can join in races, show off your awesome jumping skills, and even try your hand at throwing events. It’s your chance to shine and show the world what you’re made of!
  • So, mark your calendar, put on your superhero cape (or maybe just a cool t-shirt), and get ready to witness the jaw-dropping feats of athletes at the World Athletics Day. It’s going to be a day full of laughter, excitement, and incredible sportsmanship. Let’s cheer for our favorite athletes and celebrate the power of sports together!

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Watch a video

So, what does a typical day look like for an athlete? Check out the following insightful Youtube video of Kachnar Chaudhary.

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