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World Bank says India has halved its poverty rate since 1990s


Recommended for Secondary Grades

Hey there, little buddy! Guess what? The World Bank has some cool things to say about India! They say that India has reduced its poverty level by a whopping 50% since the 1990s. That’s like cutting it in half! Wowzers!

But wait, there’s more! The World Bank also loves how India cares about the environment. They appreciate India’s efforts to tackle climate change. That means India is doing some really good stuff to protect our planet. Thumbs up, India!

And here’s another fun fact: India has been growing like crazy! The World Bank says that India’s annual growth has been over 7% for the past 15 years. That’s like zooming ahead at super speed! Vroom, vroom!

India: Poverty Down, Growth Up, Challenges Ahead!

  • But hey, the World Bank also wants India to be even more awesome. They have some suggestions to make things even better. First, India should make better use of its land in cities and countryside. That means using the space wisely and making it super productive. Grow, little land, grow!
  • Next, India needs to be smarter with its water. They should use water resources in a more efficient way. Water is precious, so let’s not waste a single drop!
  • Oh, and get this: there are 230 million people in India who don’t have electricity. Can you imagine? The World Bank says India should bring electricity to all these people. Everyone deserves to have light and power. Let’s brighten up their lives!
  • And guess what else? India needs more cool buildings and stuff. So, the World Bank says they should invest in infrastructure. That means building roads, bridges, and cool things like that. Plus, it will create lots of job opportunities. More jobs mean more people can have a good time and earn money. Hooray for jobs!
  • But that’s not all. The World Bank thinks India should also make the public sector as awesome as the private sector. That means the government should have really great institutions, just like cool private companies. Let’s make everything super duper!
  • But hold on, there are some challenges too. One big challenge is that not enough women in India are working. Can you believe it? Only 27% of women are part of the workforce. That’s the lowest in the whole wide world, even though girls are doing great in school. We need more girl power in the workplace!
  • So, to sum it all up, India has done a fantastic job reducing poverty, being a climate change hero, and growing like a rocket! The World Bank thinks India can keep getting better by using land wisely, being smart with water, bringing electricity to everyone, building awesome stuff, and getting more women to work.
  • India, you’re on the right track! Keep up the good work and let’s make the world an even cooler place together!

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