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World leaders vow to fight climate change at online summit


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As part of Earth Day celebrations this year, US President Joe Biden is hosting a virtual (online) two-day meeting on climate change with the world’s leaders.

The meeting is titled the ‘Leaders Summit on Climate‘. 40 world leaders, including India’s PM Modi, is part of the meeting.

It is believed to be an advanced summit to the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26). COP26 will take place later this year in Glasglow, Scotland.

What were some of the outcomes of the meeting?

Since Biden has taken office, the US has rejoined the Paris Climate Agreement. The purpose of the meeting aimed to get the world’s major economies to reduce emissions in this decade.

At the meeting, Biden announced that the US will reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by 50%-52% below its 2005 emissions levels by 2030.

European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen said that Europe wants to be “the first climate-neutral continent in the world”.

Leaders of countries like Brazil, Japan and Canada made commitments to curb greenhouse gas emissions. China also re-affirmed commitments to peak emissions before 2030 and go carbon neutral by 2060.


PM Modi re-confirmed India’s vow to install 450 gigawatts of renewable energy by 2030. India and the US also launched the India-US Clean Energy Agenda 2030 Partnership at the meeting.

What does being climate neutral mean?

This means conducting activities which do not put a strain on the climate – they should not create greenhouse gases. It also means the emissions created should be equal (or less than) the emissions that get removed naturally.


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