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World Lion Day!


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Hey there, little lion enthusiasts!  Guess what? August 10 is a super special day called World Lion Day! It’s like a big lion party, but with a serious purpose too! Let us tell you why it’s so important.

You see, lions are amazing creatures that live in the wild, just like Simba from “The Lion King”! But something sad has happened in the past 50 years – the number of lions on Earth has gone down by almost 95%. That’s like having only one lion left out of 20! 

But don’t worry, because World Lion Day is here to save the day! The whole point of this day is to teach people all about lions and how we can help keep them safe and sound.


  • Let us share some cool facts with you! World Lion Day started in 2013, and it was the brainchild of two amazing people, Dereck and Beverly Joubert. They were like real-life explorers, working for National Geographic and the Big Cat Initiative. Their mission was to protect lions and make sure they have a happy life in their natural homes.
  • And you know what? They also made friends with the nearby communities that live close to wild cats. Together, they came up with clever plans to keep both the lions and people safe. Teamwork makes the dream work, right? 
  • Now, here’s something really interesting – the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) put lions on their “Red List of Threatened Species,” and they’re labeled as “vulnerable.” It’s like saying, “Hey, these lions need some extra love and care!”
  • Most lions live in Africa, but the number of lions there has dropped a lot. But don’t lose hope! Lions have also made a natural home in India, especially in Gir Forest. And you know what’s awesome? The number of lions in India has been growing steadily, like a big lion family getting bigger and stronger! 
  • So, my little lion-hearted friends, World Lion Day is a day to remember these magnificent creatures and learn how to keep them safe. It’s like a lion superhero day! We can all be part of the adventure by spreading the word about how cool lions are and why we should protect them.
  • Remember, even though we’re having fun, it’s also a time to be sensitive and caring because our lion friends need our help. So, let’s roar together for World Lion Day and make the world a better place for these majestic big cats! 

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Discover the lion’s feast, when their mighty voices break the silence, witness their meat-laden prowess and resounding roars, while pondering their fate on the brink of the wild. Behold Nat Geo Wild’s captivating video for more.

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