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World’s fattest parrot, kakapo, named New Zealand’s Bird of the Year


Recommended for Foundational Grades

Have you read about New Zealand’s Bird of the Year contest? Let’s read about it and also about the world’s fattest parrot.

This is a famous yearly contest where the people vote for the ‘Bird of the Year’. The contest is often as competitive as a real human election! The competition aims to make more people aware of endangered birds. Last year’s winner was the Hoiho penguin.

This year, the world’s fattest parrot or the kakapo parrot has been declared the Bird of the Year. This result has come as a surprise as the Antipodean albatross was expected to win. The kakapo has also become the first bird to win the contest twice.

The kakapo parrot is the world’s fattest parrot and the heaviest (it weighs up to 4 kg). It is also the only parrot that cannot fly. It has yellow-green feathers, a strong body smell and makes loud noises. Only around 209 kakapo birds exist today and they all live in four islands in New Zealand.

Forest & Bird is the environmental group that organises the contest. It said that about 55,000 people voted in the contest this year. However, this year’s contest had issues as about 1500 fakes votes were also found.

Watch a video of the kakapo below:

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