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image depicting 3D-printed bridge, as in, World's first 3D-printed bridge of steel opens in Amsterdam

World’s first 3D-printed bridge of steel opens in Amsterdam


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

We have read about 3D-printed houses before and now the world’s first 3D-printed bridge has opened in Amsterdam, Netherlands.

What is 3D printing?

It is a method of creating an object layer-by-layer using a computer-created design. 3D printers can use different materials, such as plastic, or even steel.

Important Details

  • The bridge is made of steel metal. It is 12 metres long and is built for people to walk over.
  • Queen Máxima of the Netherlands launched the new 3D-printed bridge this month.
  • Moreover, the bridge has many sensor technologies installed on it.
  • These sensors will help scientists study the condition of the bridge as time goes by.
  • All the information they collect will help them create a similar computer model.
  • And this model can help them create better bridges and other buildings with 3D technology in the future.
  • Scientists took 4 years to create this bridge using 4 robots.
  • It is the first time they have created a 3D bridge like this that people can actually walk on daily too.

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Watch a video

The Youtube Channel “Nat Geo Kids” explains how 3D printers work.

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