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Image depicting the world's largest rodent the capybara

World’s largest rodent, the capybara is the size of a dog


Recommended for Foundational Grades

Have you ever read about the world’s largest rodent?

The capybara is the world’s largest rodent! Rodents are a family of animals that include bunny rabbits, rats, squirrels, guinea pigs and more.

The capybara looks somewhat like a guinea pig but is the size of a Labrador retriever dog (or even bigger)!

It can grow up to 4.6 feet long and as tall as 2 feet. Adult capybaras can weigh around 35 to 66 kg and live up to 7 years. However, not to worry, they are very gentle creatures who get along with other animals and humans too.

The capybara is found in many countries across South America. They live in grasslands and rainforests.  They are strong swimmers and spend a lot of time in the water. The capybara is a herbivore – it eats only plants.

Capybaras or the world’s largest rodent are very social animals. This means they like to live together in large groups which can have up to 100 members!

Capybaras are not endangered (very few in number). However, they are widely hunted for their meat and fur.

Here is a cute video of these gentle giants:

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