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FAST officially opens

World’s largest single dish telescope begins operations in China


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

Hey there! Are you ready to embark on an exciting journey into the vast universe? Buckle up because we’re going to explore the world’s coolest telescope and learn about aliens and UFOs!

So, imagine this: there might be life somewhere out there in the great expanse of space. You know, like little green aliens with big eyes and flying saucers? Well, we don’t know for sure, but we’re trying to find out! And guess what?

We have a super-duper telescope called FAST (Five-hundred metre Aperture Spherical Radio Telescope) that’s going to help us in our quest for extraterrestrial life.

FAST Telescope: Unveiling the Universe’s Wonders!

  • This amazing telescope is located in Pingtang County, in a place called Guizhou, which is in China. It’s like having a gigantic dish that can catch signals or waves from outer space. And when I say gigantic, I mean it’s huge! It has a diameter of half a kilometer. That’s like having a telescope as big as fifty football fields lined up together! Can you picture that?
  • To make it even more impressive, this telescope uses over 4400 aluminum panels that are all tilted and turned to catch any signals from space. It’s like having a giant ear that can hear whispers from the stars. Isn’t that mind-blowing?
  • Now, here’s the really cool part. This FAST telescope is not just big; it’s also super sensitive. In fact, it’s 2.5 times more sensitive than any other telescope on our planet. That means it can pick up even the tiniest signals from the farthest corners of the universe. Talk about having sharp ears!
  • During the testing phase, this fantastic telescope already discovered 102 new pulsars. Woah! What’s a pulsar, you ask? Well, it’s like a superhero star that spins really fast and sends out quick flashes of light and energy. It’s like a cosmic lighthouse beaming signals across the universe. FAST caught these amazing pulsars in action, and scientists are studying them to learn more about the mysteries of space.
  • But wait, there’s more! FAST is also part of a special program called Breakthrough Initiatives. This program is all about joining forces between the United States, Australia, and China to search for alien life in the universe. Isn’t that awesome? It’s like a cosmic team working together to solve the greatest mystery of all time!
  • And you know what else? This incredible telescope will also help us find exoplanets. Exoplanets are planets that orbit around stars outside our solar system. They could be just like our Earth or completely different. Imagine discovering a planet where aliens might live! How cool would that be?
  • So, my little space explorer, thanks to FAST and the Breakthrough Initiatives, we’re getting closer to uncovering the secrets of our universe. Who knows, maybe one day we’ll have solid proof that aliens exist or find a planet where life thrives just like it does here on Earth.
  • Remember, the universe is vast and full of wonders, so keep dreaming big and never stop exploring!

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