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Image depicting World’s largest volcano bursts!

World’s largest volcano bursts!


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

If you want to see the world’s largest active volcano, look no further than Mauna Loa. It is in Hawaii. It has been almost 40 years since Mauna Loa last blew its top.

On November 27, there was an eruption at Mauna Loa. This made the volcano spew out ash and make the sky glow red. Satellite and infrared images showed that the lava was erupting quickly.

Also, the footage taken from above showed that smoke was covering the area where it was happening. Even though the lava is flowing, the people living there have been warned that ash could fall and have been put on notice as a precaution.

What is a dormant volcano?

A dormant volcano indicates that it has not erupted for a considerable amount of time.

What is an extinct volcano?

An extinct volcano indicates that it is extremely unlikely that it will erupt in the future.

Key facts!

  • The summit of the volcano is nearly thirteen thousand feet above sea level.
  • It covers an area that is greater than 5,000 square kilometres.
  • An advisory for ashfall, which can contaminate water supplies, kill vegetation, and irritate the lungs, was in effect for the surrounding area overnight, but it has since been lifted.
  • Emergency officials claim that no evacuation orders have been issued.
  • According to the United States Geological Survey (USGS), “Based on prior experiences, the early stages of a Mauna Loa eruption can be quite dynamic.
  • What this means is that the position of lava flows and their progression can alter very quickly.
  • Thus the United States Geological Survey (USGS) cautions that the current state of affairs could shift suddenly at any moment.
  • There are additional larger volcanoes in Hawaii, but these are categorised as dormant or extinct.

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Watch a video

Youtube user “National Geographic” explores Mauna Loa a month before its eruption.

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