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World’s most powerful passports


Recommended for Henley Passport Index 2022

World’s most powerful passports – With great power comes great responsibility!

All you kids must be aware that when one takes a flight to an international destination, say going to Disneyland. One of the most important documents that you need is “your passport”.  So what exactly is a passport? Well, it’s a handy document that verifies your identity. Remember, you can lose your way to the airport, but not your passport.

Also, it’s one of the few documents that the staff at airports will keep asking you for it. If you have it handy, they’ll be happy and you might get a surprise candy in return 🙂 or who knows, they might upgrade you to a business class. Why? Because our readers are adorable like that.

Do you know that passports are classified into most powerful and least powerful passports? Let’s learn the reasons together.

Who ranks these passports?

Henley Passport Index is the original and authoritative ranking of all the world’s passports. The passports are ranked according to the number of destinations, the passport holders can access. This index is based on the exclusive data from International Air Transport Association. It provides the most accurate travel information.

Japan and Singapore top the list of most powerful passports. 192 places are open for their passport holders. Germany and South Korea hold second place with 190 destinations open to travellers. The United States and the United Kingdom are in 6th position. 186 destinations open to travellers from the US and the UK.

Moreover, India is at the 83rd position in the list of the world’s most powerful passports. The Indian passport holders can travel to 60 countries.

Afghanistan has the least powerful passport with access to only 26 countries. The other countries with the least powerful passports include Iraq, Syria, Pakistan and Yemen.


Over 150 countries in the world have issued electronic passports. Bangladesh is the first country to issue E-passports for all eligible citizens. Moreover, the Indian government is also planning to introduce E-passports with an embedded chip. That would make travelling easy.

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