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World’s rarest great gorillas seen with new babies in the wild


Recommended for Foundational Grades

Greetings, inquisitive mind! Let us tell you an amazing story about some super rare and special gorillas called the Cross River gorillas.

These cool gorillas are one-of-a-kind members of the western gorilla family, and they live in the hills and mountains between Cameroon and Nigeria in Africa.

There are only around 300 of them left in the wild today!

Gorilla Ninjas: Rare & Resilient!

  • Recently, something really cool happened! Some talented folks from the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) in Nigeria managed to capture some incredible photos of the Cross River gorillas. And guess what? These photos showed not just the adult gorillas, but also a bunch of adorable new gorilla babies! Oh my goodness, can you imagine how cute they must be?
  • Now, you know, these gorillas are not easy to find. They’re like super elusive ninjas of the jungle, and that’s why experts get really excited when they get to see them in photos. It’s like finding a treasure! And because they’ve spotted some baby gorillas too, it’s a sign that their gang might be growing little by little. How awesome is that?
  • These gorillas got their name from the Cross River, which is a river that flows through Nigeria where they live. They’re kinda special because they have some unique features. Their heads are smaller, arms are longer, and their hair is a bit lighter compared to other gorillas. They’re big fellas, weighing almost 200 kilograms and standing tall at around 5 feet when they stand on two legs. Whoa, that’s as tall as a grown-up!
  • Oh, and you know what? They’re really shy, and they prefer to stay away from humans. It’s like they’re playing hide-and-seek all the time, but instead of us seeking them, they’re the ones who hide. They want their space, and we should totally respect that.
  • So, my dear little friend, the Cross River gorillas are a very special and endangered bunch. But don’t you worry, because there are some amazing people out there, like the Wildlife Conservation Society, who are working really hard to protect these awesome creatures. They’re like the gorilla superheroes!
  • And with those cool photos showing baby gorillas, it looks like these gorillas might have a bright future ahead. As long as we all do our part in taking care of our planet and the animals, we can make sure these gorillas and their families stay happy and safe in the wild. So, let’s give a big cheer for the Cross River gorillas and all the wonderful people helping them out! Yay!

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