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Image depicting Wrestlers stand strong against bullies!

Wrestlers stand strong against bullies!


Recommended for Secondary Grades

Hey! Have you heard about the wrestlers in India who are standing up to a big shot politician in their sport? The politician’s been accused of some very bad behavior? These wrestlers are sitting in protest and demanding justice. Some of them even Olympic champions!

They want this politician guy to be arrested for the bad behaviour, because that’s just not cool.

Important Details

  • A bunch of wrestlers, both experienced and newbies, are showing off their staying power by camping out at the Jantar Mantar.
  • They have been braving the elements, sleeping on damp mattresses, and enduring police altercations, all in the name of justice.
  • The protesters demand that the government arrests the accused. However the authorities seem to be trying to wear them down by limiting their access to water, electricity, and other resources.
  • The wrestlers’ supporters include farmers, students, and community leaders. And they all bond over a shared passion for the sport and a desire for justice.
  • These wrestlers are tough and they’re still practicing on the streets and getting breakfast from their supporters.
  • This suggests that the wrestlers in question are extremely dedicated and committed to their craft, even in the face of adversity. The fact that they are practicing on the streets indicates that they may not have access to traditional training facilities or resources. Yet they are still finding a way to hone their skills and improve their abilities.
  • This kind of dedication and resourcefulness is a testament to their passion and determination.
  • And there are even some young students, Rishabh and Aditya, who are being trained by their heroes to fight for what’s right. So let’s cheer on these brave wrestlers as they fight for justice and show that no one is above the law!
  • Overall, the event highlights the incredible resilience and tenacity of these wrestlers. They are willing to do whatever it takes to succeed and pursue their dreams. Even in the face of significant challenges and obstacles!

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