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Yoga for kids – The Basics!


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

Yoga is a set of physical exercises or positions/postures that are done together. These poses make you stronger, more flexible, and more confident. Breathing is an important part of yoga. It helps both the body and the mind relax and feel fresh.

Fun facts about Yoga for kids!

  • Yoga has many benefits for kids, but one of the most important is that it helps kids focus and remember things better. Both of these things can have an effect on how well they do in school.
  • It helps kids learn how to control their breathing and real. This can help them in many situations, not just when they are stressed out about tests.
  • By practising yoga, kids can lower their risk of getting hurt because Yoga helps them build muscle as their bodies grow and makes them more flexible.
  • It can also make kids feel good about themselves. By working to improve their balance and flexibility, young children can feel more in control of their lives through yoga.
  • The practice gives kids a healthy way to express themselves through movement. It also teaches them self-discipline as they work toward the goal of clearing their minds and getting better poses.

Fun Yoga Poses for kids!

  • Cat Pose – By getting into the cat pose, kids can make a big difference in the strength of the abdominal muscles. These are very important parts of sitting and standing in a healthy way.
  • Cow Pose – The cow pose is a relaxing stretch that loosens up the back and neck. While in this position, students should make soft mooing noises to remind themselves to breathe regularly. Kids love this simple position.
  • Child’s Pose – It is a gentle stretch which helps one to calm the mind and lessen feelings of tiredness and anxiety.
  • Downward Facing Dog Pose – Reduces stress and gives the body more energy. It also improves digestion or other stomach problems.
  • Warrior Pose – This makes you feel balanced and gives you time to think, but it also improves your ability to understand.

Watch a video

Tiny Yogis, Big Smiles!

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