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Yongqing Bao wins Wildlife Photographer of the Year award


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The 2019 Wildlife Photographer of the Year competition revealed its 19 champions during an event at London’s Natural History Museum.

The competition and exhibition showcase photos of Earth’s beautiful wildlife taken by talented photographers across the world. Some winners are given below.

Important Details

  • Yongqing Bao got the Wildlife Photographer of the year for the picture (given above) of a standoff between a Tibetan fox and a marmot. The picture was captured at China’s Qilian Mountains National Nature Reserve.
  • German photographer Stefan Christmann won the Portfolio award for capturing 5,000 male emperor penguins huddling against the wind on the sea ice of Antarctica’s Atka Bay. He captured a number of images for this award. You can see one below.


  • The Animals in their environment award was won by the Chinese photographer Shangzhen Fan. He clicked a photo of a herd of Tibetan antelope leaving a trail of footprints in the snow.
  • The Animal portrait award was won by Ripan Biswas for photographing an ant colony in West Bengal.
  • The award for 10 years old and younger was won by Thomas Easterbrook. He took a remarkable picture of a hummingbird hawkmoth.

Wildlife Photographer of the Year is the largest wildlife photography competition in the world. It is an annual international wildlife photography competition owned by the Natural History Museum, UK.

You see all the winning images on the museum’s website.

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