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Image depicting Child Labour: Small Hands, Heavy Burdens

Child Labour: Small Hands, Heavy Burdens

Image depicting Child Labour: Small Hands, Heavy Burdens

The smile is loving,
Insides it’s paining.
Instead of good fate,
The luck is so late.
Only for a day joy,
They don’t have a toy.

For the child in the trouble,
Solve child labour’s puzzle.
You have a mattress and bed,
They don’t even have a shed.
Instead of a day joy,
There lived are fully destroy.

In the time of school ,
They have hands full of tool.
When they have to joyous laugh,
They are glee is less than half.
They don’t have a real smile,
They only hide tears of life.

Let them chance to educate,
Child labour will eradicate.
Let live them ; thier life,
Let give them a real smile.
Stop child labour,
Give them favour.

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8, Delhi Public School Jankipuram Lucknow, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh

Comments: 1
  1. Curious Kitty says:

    Wonderful poem. keep it up!

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