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Prashikha’s Republic Day Food Art Display

In the Spirit of Innovation

In the lands where creativity blooms like the lotus, you, Prashikha, have shown a spirit of innovation that lights up the path for many. Just as our farmers sow seeds with hope, you have crafted art with bread, instilling inspiration and the flavors of patriotism in our hearts.

Embodiment of Unity

Your food art to celebrate the ‘Republic Day’ is not just a feast for the eyes but a reflection of our unity in diversity. Each ingredient you chose tells a story, much like every Indian contributes to the nation’s strength. It is the blend of different cultures, just as you have blended different tastes, that makes our Bharat truly unique.

Harnessing Youthful Energy

The youth of our nation are the architects of the future, and you, Prashikha, with your creative prowess, have shown how the power of youthful energy can paint a canvas of change. Your ‘Republic Day’ food art is a testament to the fact that when the young minds are nurtured, they can contribute to the nation’s pride and joy.

Journey of Perseverance

As you have taken simple ingredients to create something extraordinary, let it be a reminder to all that perseverance is key. Your dedication reflects the journey of our Republic Day – always moving forward, evolving, and reaching new heights. It is this perseverance that will lead our nation towards an era of innovation and success.

Prashikha, the colors of your edible tricolor not only represent our flag but also the spirit of our Republic. May your journey ahead be filled with bright and bold strokes, just like the food art you have created. Keep the flame of creativity burning and continue to make your mark, just as India continues to etch its name on the global stage. Jai Hind!

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2, Delhi Public School Jankipuram Lucknow, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh

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