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Prashikha’s ‘Zoo Art’ Masterpiece

Miss Prashikha from Delhi Public School Jankipuram, Lucknow, showcases her vibrant crayon artwork, ‘Zoo Art,’ in collaboration with Curious Times, a premier platform for children’s creativity.

From the Editor:

Artistry that Inspires:

Miss Prashikha, your crayon masterpiece ‘Zoo Art’ is a testament to your creative prowess. Your unique perspective and imaginative flair shine brightly through this artwork, inspiring others to explore their artistic talents.

Vibrant Expression:

The colors you’ve chosen and the way you’ve blended them together create a vivid and captivating scene in ‘Zoo Art.’ Your ability to convey emotions and tell a story through your artwork is truly commendable.

A Creative Journey:

Your submission to Curious Times is not just an artwork; it’s a stepping stone on your artistic journey. Continue to nurture your passion, experiment, and let your creativity flourish.

Encouraging Future Creators:

Your participation in ‘Zoo Art’ sets an example for young artists everywhere. You show them that with dedication and imagination, they can create beautiful pieces of art that leave a lasting impact.

Miss Prashikha, your ‘Zoo Art’ is a vibrant burst of creativity that spreads joy and positivity. Keep honing your skills, and let your artistic spirit soar. Your contribution to Curious Times is a beacon of inspiration for all aspiring artists.

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Curious Times is a leading newspaper and website for kids. We publish daily global news aligned to your learning levels (also as per NEP 2020): Foundational, Preparatory (Primary), Middle and Senior. So, check out the News tab for this. We bring kids’ favourite Curious Times Weekly newspaper every weekend with top news, feature stories and kids’ contributions. 

ME – My Expressions at Curious Times is your place to get your work published, building your quality digital footprint. And it is a good way to share your talent and skills with your friends, family, school, teachers and the world. Thus, as you will step into higher educational institutes your published content will showcase your strength.

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2, Delhi Public School Jankipuram Lucknow, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh

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