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Prateek Maity’s Powerful Stand Against Bullying

Prateek Maity, “It’s a time for us all to come together and pledge to stand up against bullying. It’s a time for us to raise awareness about the issue, and to teach our children the importance of respect, tolerance, and kindness.”

Bravo, Prateek!

Prateek Maity, your poster on “Say No To Bullying” is truly commendable. Your dedication to raising awareness about this important issue is inspiring. Your creativity shines through in your artwork, and your message is clear and impactful. Keep up the fantastic work!

Artistic Excellence

Your artistic skills are exceptional, Prateek. The way you’ve brought the message of saying no to bullying to life through your poster is truly impressive. Your use of colors, imagery, and design elements effectively conveys the message and grabs the viewer’s attention. Your talent is remarkable!

Spreading Positivity

Your poster is a beacon of positivity, Prateek. It radiates a message of kindness, inclusion, and empathy, which are values we all should cherish. Your contribution to creating a more compassionate world is invaluable. Continue to spread these positive vibes through your art.

Impactful Advocacy

Prateek Maity, your advocacy against bullying is making a significant impact. Your poster will reach many through Curious Times, and it will undoubtedly inspire others to take a stand against bullying too. Your dedication to making the world a safer and more respectful place is making a real difference. Keep using your creativity for good!

In summary, Prateek, your poster is a testament to your artistic talent and your commitment to a kinder world. Keep creating, keep advocating, and keep spreading positivity through your exceptional work. You’re making a difference, and we applaud your efforts!

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ME – My Expressions at Curious Times is your place to get your work published, building your quality digital footprint. And it is a good way to share your talent and skills with your friends, family, school, teachers and the world. Thus, as you will step into higher educational institutes your published content will showcase your strength.

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3, Techno India Group Public School, Garia, Kolkata, Kolkata, West Bengal

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