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‘Rainbow of Hope’ … penned by an educator!

Mrs. Sudesh Singh, Director, Delhi Public School, Sonepat pens a beautiful and motivating poem for students.
She is proud of how children are facing this pandemic. Once the crisis is over, we will all come out as stronger humans.

Don’t panic,
In this pandemic.

Don’t feel low,
Go with the flow.

You feel things are moving slow,
But they are giving you time to grow.

You are doing a great job,
You all need thunderous applaud.

No doubt, the time is tough,
Each day seems too rough.

Keep the hope alive though,
Let the peace inside grow.

Today all seems full of sorrow,
We’ll meet loved ones tomorrow.

This pandemic shall soon fade away,
But the lessons learned are going to stay!!!

Stay Safe Stay Happy!!!

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Ms. Sudesh Singh

Director, Delhi Public School, Sonepat, Haryana

Comments: 1
  1. Maahi says:

    Wonderful mam

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