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Image depicting Rainy Season Drawing for Kids

Rainy Season Drawing for Kids

Image depicting Rainy Season Drawing for Kids

Dear Anagha Akare of Shalom Hills International School, your drawing, “Rainy Season Drawing for Kids,” sparked a delightful monsoon memory! It reminded me of a little girl, much like you, drawing with charcoal on our verandah floor. She captured the rain falling in slanting lines and a happy child holding an umbrella. It was simple yet full of the monsoon’s magic.

Drawing is a wonderful way to celebrate the rainy season and your idea of a drawing guide for young artists is splendid!

Easy Drawing for Beginners: Let’s Capture the Rain!

Here’s how even the youngest artists can create their own rainy day artwork:

  1. The Happy Child: Draw a simple stick figure. Add a big smile – maybe they’re jumping in puddles!
  2. The Umbrella: A curved line above the child becomes their colorful shelter from the rain.
  3. Raining, Raining! Draw lines coming down from the sky. They can be straight, slanting, or even dotted!
  4. Nature’s Touch: Add some clouds (puffy circles) and maybe a tree in the distance.
  5. Color the Outdoors! Choose your favorite monsoon colors – blues, greens, and yellows for the sun peeking through.

Playschool Activities and Homeschooling Fun

Why stop there? This is a great activity for playschool and homeschooling. Children can:

  • Make up stories about their drawing.
  • Learn about different kinds of weather.
  • Create a whole series of children’s art to decorate their rooms.

Share Your Artwork with Curious Times!

We at Curious Times would be delighted to see your rainy season drawings. You can share them with us at

Happy drawing, young artists! Remember, every splash of color is a celebration of nature and the beautiful weather around us.


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Anagha Akare

2, Shalom Hills International School

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