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Image depicting Resilience Rising: Defeating Darkness with Truth

Resilience Rising: Defeating Darkness with Truth

Image depicting Resilience Rising: Defeating Darkness with Truth

All the world’s in a cage,
Resilience due to Mother Nature’s rage,
For the warriors the nations cried,
They are the ones who died.

Unspoken fears lie in the eyes that are sodden;
Resilience, vividly remembering the paths of woes trodden,
Often there is uncertainty looming large,
Generating in the minds an urge to purge.

Why is the demon so insidious?
With jagged swords leaving behind a scar that is hideous-
Though it seems we are lying in a pool of hopelessness and
Becoming all the more restless.

Somewhere a light creeps through the tunnel,
When a child with a grinning face strives to waddle,
Resilience overcoming all the sufferings, proclaims to the world,
‘It is the flag of freedom that I have unfurled’.

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5, Techno India Group Public School, Garia

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