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Image depicting Ruskin Bond Books: Funny Side Up

Ruskin Bond Books: Funny Side Up

Image depicting Ruskin Bond Books: Funny Side Up

If I say the truth then Ruskin Bond books are really really funny. And when it’s name is also ‘Funny Side Up’ then you can very well understand how much funny it’s gonna be. Two of the stories of his book, I prefer the most are ‘Monkey Trouble’ and ‘My failed ommelletes – and other disasters’.

The story of ‘Monkey Trouble’ is all about a little naughty girl monkey named Tutu. Grandfather bought the monkey from the vendor as he like pets very much. Due to it was a girl grandmother thought her as calm and silent. But then Tutu started her game. She disturbed everyone in the house. She used to exchange everybody’s belongings.

The real fun was there when Aunt Ruby’s and Rocky’s wedding was gonna held. When aunt Ruby was selecting an engagement ring, Tutu entered and snatched it. It was when the chase started. Tutu went on destructing here and there which made a huge line behind her coming to chase. Others also knowingly or unknowingly joined the line. In the wedding also the cake was ruined by her.

Another funny story like this one is ‘My Failed Omelletes- and other disasters’. Here Ruskin Bond says about his funny life story of cooking an omelette. And along with that Gautam was always giving him advises. When he was young he would go to the kitchen to help his grandmother but usually ruined. Still now he continues making half boiled eggs instead of the boiled ones.

Not only this to but the other stories will make you laugh too. To make your day full of laughter, do read this book ‘Funny Side Up’. No age limit for the book because everyone should laugh. And if 10 stars are present I will give that only to the book.

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