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Sculpted Serenity: Ladakh’s Shanti Stupa

Visionary Craftsmanship:

Prateek Maity, your Ladakh Shanti Stupa model is a testament to your visionary craftsmanship. Your choice of using thermocol to recreate this beautiful structure is both innovative and inspiring. Keep pushing the boundaries of your creativity; the world awaits more of your artistic expressions.

Heritage Illuminated:

Your project is not just a model; it’s a beacon illuminating the rich heritage of Ladakh. By showcasing the stunning Shanti Stupa, you are helping others connect with the cultural richness of our world. Continue to be a cultural ambassador through your work.

Meticulous Excellence:

The meticulous attention to detail in your model is truly praiseworthy. Every facet of the Shanti Stupa seems to mirror your dedication and passion. Remember that this level of commitment is a precious quality that will guide you to success in all your future pursuits.

Youthful Trailblazing:

Prateek Maity, your submission to Curious Times is a shining example of youthful trailblazing. Your proactive approach to learning and sharing knowledge is a source of inspiration to both your peers and adults. Your dedication and willingness to take on such projects will undoubtedly lead you to great achievements.

In closing, Prateek Maity, your Ladakh Shanti Stupa Model is an extraordinary piece of art that radiates visionary craftsmanship, heritage illumination, meticulous excellence, and youthful trailblazing. Keep nurturing your talents, and continue sharing your passion with the world, as you are a beacon of inspiration to many.

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3, Techno India Group Public School, Garia, Kolkata, Kolkata, West Bengal

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