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The Awful Crow

Once upon a time, there lived a chicken and a crow. The chicken lived on a farm inside a coop that was decorated and many animals lived on the farm. Just near the farm, there lived a crow in a nest on a tree. The chicken had four baby chicks.

One day the crow was flying to fetch its food and it saw the chicken inside a coop with its chicks, the crow flew near the coop and snatched away two of the chicks and took them to its nest, and ate them. The chicken was crying for its babies and said, “I will not give up.” The next day again the crow flew near the coop to snatch away the chicks. When the crow came to snatch away the chicks the chicken grappled a lot to save her babies from the nasty crow but the crow again snatched away her babies and ate them.

The chicken was very unhappy about losing her babies but she did not give up. After a few days, the chicken laid seven eggs and soon the baby chicks were out of the eggs. A few days later again the crow was flying to find its food, he saw the baby chicks inside the coop and said, “Today I will have a tasty lunch.” He flew towards the coop to snatch two of the chicks. The chicken struggled a lot to save her babies and did not allow the crow to snatch away its babies. Then the crow started pecking the chicken and the chicken got hurt. Taking the advantage of the chicken’s injury the crow took away two of the chicks and ate them. This time also the chicken was very gloomy and depressed for its babies but still, she did not give up and decided to ask the dog for help, the dog said that he would be happy to help the chicken out. The dog guarded the chicks of the chicken so when the crow came to eat the babies of the chicken, the dog caught the crow with its teeth but the crow started pecking the dog.

Both of them had a ferocious fight and at last the dog killed the crow by crushing it with its teeth. The chicken thanked the dog and the chicken along with its chicks lived happily forever.

Moral: Never give up.

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